Monday, July 6, 2009

Best Touch Phones

Since the introduction of the Apple iPhone on January the 9th, the world has gone touch pad crazy, touch pad technology is the way of the future and many companies have heard the call and made their own touch pad phones in direct competition with the iPhone. This is a top ten list of iPhone Competitors, some of the phones are the real deal, some are just concepts at the moment, all are cool.

1.Samsung F700

Samsung%20F700-2.jpg Samsung%20F700-3.jpg

Coming in at Number 1 is the recently announced Samsung F700 ultra slim phone, answering the call early Samsung have come up with a splendid touch pad phone. Main features of the phone include a 5 megapixel camera, touch pad technology, impressive downloads speeds of up to 7.2 Mbps and a cool slide out QWERTY Keyboard, which is something the iPhone is lacking. With their first deluge into touch pad phones Samsung seem to have hit a home run straight of the bat.

2.LG KE850,

The next touchphone coming in at a close Second is the LG KE850, this touch phone has actually been around for quite some time and is a smash hit in South Korea. It is widely believed amongst industry experts Apple based there design model around this phone. The phone features a 3-inch LCD touch screen display and 2 megapixel camera. The phone will be about $750. Any maybe available in Europe and America soon.

3.Neonode N2

Surprisingly at Number Four is unknown Swedish phone the Neonode N2 TouchScreen. This awesome little phone made it's debut at 3GSM and plans to take it right up to the iPhone in a big way. Cool features include it's size factor, it is alot smaller than other touchscreen phones which should make it easier to carry around than most other touch phones and also it features an interesting gesture controlled screen and runs off of an open source platform.

4. Neo1973


The OpenMoko Neo1973 has been dubbed the iPhone killer and it is hard to disagree it has some awesome features, such as a large, touch-sensitive VGA display, GPRS data, Bluetooth, 128MB RAM, AGPS (Assisted GPS), and 64MB of Flash. The best thing about this phone is that it is a open source project and anyone can contribute to making it into a great phone.

5.Asus Aura Concept


At Six is another concept phone the Asus Aura Concept Phone. ASUS is mostly known for making computer parts and motherboards, however over the past year or so ASUS have tried there hand at making Cell Phones and their not doing to bad a job of it either. ASUS's strategy is to make as many phones as possible in the hope that one will become a hit, there is not a day that goes by without ASUS releasing a new phone. This month they responded to iPhones call and made the Asus Aura Touch screen Phone, like the Samsung F700 this phone has a QWERTY keypad, features a 2-megapixel camera, 3.9-inch touch screen display and is only 9mm thick. Everyone better watch out for these guys they are a massive manufacturer and they are starting to make their mark in the cell phone industry, specially in countries outside of the US.



The Linux based FIC-GTA001 smartphone fights it way to the Number 7 spot and actually comes bundled with a SDK (Software Development Kit). Sporting a 2.8-inch VGA display and
having nifty features like; multi-touch sensor recognition, GSM, GPS and MP3 playback capabilities, its no mystery why we think the phone is cool! The FIC-GTA001 draws it juice from a Samsung ARM9-based processor and the two finger scrolling is reminiscent of the Macbook.



Big on design but lacking in features, the BenQ-Siemens Black Box Concept Phone comes in at Number Eight. This phone is just a concept phone. BenQ is trying to make a impact in Asia cell phone market. This phones lacks all the cool functions the above phones have and just really has a nice design and big touch screen. Apple has nothing to worry about with this one.

8.Meizu M8


At Nine is the Chinese only Meizu M8 which is also known as the miniOne. It's claim to fame and the reason why is it so well known in the tech world is because it is believed that this company knocked off the iPhones design. They plan to confuse the Chinese market and cash in big time by selling the phone on the cheap in China, which is just wrong, really wrong.


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